Brain Function

Scientists discover how the brain registers single and multiple images differentlyJune 28, 2023

Scientists locate origins of pleasurable touch in mice, which may point to therapies for autism and nervous disordersFebruary 2, 2023

Consciousness can be broken down into three dimensions, scientists sayJanuary 27, 2023

4 Risk Factors For Cognitive Decline That May Surprise YouJanuary 23, 2023

Glimpses of afterlife? ‘Near-death’ experiences aren’t hallucinations, scientists concludeJanuary 20, 2023

How creative you are hinges on brain connectivity, semantic memory structureJanuary 18, 2023

Napping too much during the day linked to dementia in older adultsJanuary 17, 2023

5 easy, yet powerful ways to ensure a strong and healthy brainJanuary 16, 2023