The NeoRythm wellness headset originally promised to help individuals who suffer from pain, lack-of-focus, poor sleep and stress. The device is a wearable, gesture-controlled headband which emits harmless rhythmic pulses that encourage the brain to sync. The concept was appealing enough to make its IndieGoGo launch campaign one of the most successful on the platform, and now the headset is breaking into the world of medical devices.
The science behind the device is called Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF )technology and is widely proven and even used in other devices; however, the NeoRythm was the first wearable headband using this technology that performed their own independent scientific research on over 1500 users.
While the website does disclose some conditions with which individuals should not use the device, including those with pacemakers, IUDs, or other electronic implants, they also claim that there are no long-term or short-term negative side effects from the use of the NeoRhythm.
The excitement for the device was obvious when they surpassed their crowdfunding goal of $25,000 and ended up raising $1.7M through their IndieGoGo campaign. The success of the device and the positive findings from their research have now propelled them forward into the development of an approved medical device with even more treatment possibilities including the treatment of Parkinson’s and some cancers.
The non-invasive device currently serves its original purpose of “affordable wearable wellness device” with outstanding performance, but thanks to the research which was the, “first large scale research on relaxation, focus and sleep” they are now seeking to register as an official medical device which means further benefits and access to those who could benefit from this type of treatment.